CryoBarOKCServes Up Recovery Services for Every Taste
Oklahoma City welcomed its newest addition to the wellness community when CryoBarOKC officially open edits doors this February .The CryoBarOKC wellness experience is highly beneficial for everyone, no matter what their activity level. The services can radically improve different areas of one’s life. CryoBarOKC offers a variety of recovery and wellness services includingWhole Body Cryotherapy, RedLight andVibrationTherapy,CompressionTherapy, and Cryoskin 3.0 treatments.
During a Whole Body Cryotherapy treatment, the body is exposed to extremely low temperatures for approximately 2-3 minutes. The blood leaves your extremities and rushes to your core to keep your vital organs protected. The body reacts to the cold by undergoing vasoconstriction which allows the blood to be come super oxygenated which then rushes back through the body once you step out of the cryochamber. Among the many benefits of this treatment is a decrease in inflammation, relief from chronic pain and migraines, an increase of energy, and over all better sleep.
Light therapy involves the delivery of concentrated wavelengths of natural light to your skin without dangerous UV rays or excess heat, causing a strengthening of cell mitochondria. Our medical grade LEDs improve ATP energy production, which is the source of energy for every cell in the body. Light therapy is FDA approved for chronic joint pain, slow healing wounds, reducing wrinkles, hair loss, and acne treatment. It can help decrease inflammation, smooth skin tone, and is helpful in healing skin conditions while simultaneously enhancing mood and mental clarity. Infrared Therapy stimulates collagen production, which helps rebuild cartilage and repair muscle tissue. It has even been shown to reduce pain from sore muscles and injuries.

Vibration Therapy activates the cardiovascular, lymphatic, hormonal, and nervous system simultaneously, which helps to filter waste, dead cells, excess protein and toxins out of the body. NormaTec Compression & Recovery helps reduce muscle soreness and fatigue while improving circulation and mobility.
CryoBarOKC is proud to offer Cryoskin3.0 treatments. CryoSkin facials help stimulate collagen production, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, Cryoslimming permanently destroys fat cells, and Cryotoning helps to speedup metabolism, reduce cellulite, and improve collagen production.
CryobarOKC’s unique approach to wellness allows you to try a variety of services at your convenience.Much like diet and exercise, a regular wellness routine will provide faster, better results; however, individuals can still see the benefits of the service after just one treatment.
Upon arrival, a wellness specialist will bring you on a brief tour of the facility and answer all questions you may have regarding the offered services and their benefits.The facility itself is a welcoming, community-oriented space that encourages conversation and connection.
Ready to try it for yourself?First-time customers can try Cryotherapy, Red Light & Vibration and CompressionTherapy for $30!For more information, or follow CryoBarOKC on Instagram at @cryobarokc to stay up-to-date on the latest developments and promotions.
VisitCryoBarOKCat7302 N. Western, Oklahoma City, OK,73116or give them a call at(409)-879-2445
Article by Samantha Rosenfeld