Movement: Cycling to the Beat at Cyclebar Classen Curve

“Find your Why! - why you are cycling, why you enjoy it, why it makes you better.”

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Kristin Allen, owner of Cyclebar Classen Curve, is passionate about indoor cycling. Her first spin class was in college and she’s been cycling ever since. She says that it is an enjoyable way to care for your body, helping relieve tension and gives her a feeling of euphoria, and “It’s also an emotional ride and a mental exercise.”

Although stationary bikes are in many gyms, spin classes at CycleBar offer an experience. An instructor sets up your ride to music with a lively beat and encourages you along the way. Everything is rhythm- based; cycling to the tempo among other riders makes it more enjoyable. Says Kristin, “You can get a great workout anywhere but not an experiential journey. . . I often remind my Stars (CycleBar’s instructors are called CycleStars), ‘What do you want them to feel on their journey today?”

The sleek red and white reception area and hi-tech, high-energy surroundings set the tone. Online registration, electronic check-in, cycling shoes for rent, and CycleBar branded exercise gear for sale all add convenience. Dressing areas have large showers, hair dryers and other hair appliances, and every toiletry you might need. The CycleTheatre holds 50 bikes, each with a screen to display the riders’ stats and progress. Large screens above the Cycle- Star’s bike displays the top 20 riders progress and are also used to run races during classes. For those who are less competitive, opting out of being on the screens is easy.

CycleBar is the only spin facility in Oklahoma City that has a statistics system that records data into a rider profile. A computer algorithm calculates your appropriate spin performance, based on age, weight, and gender. All cyclists in the room are competing, but each bike’s position in the competition is adjusted to reflect appropriate performance. After each class, every rider receives an email with their stats for the ride, so track- ing your improvement over time is easy.

CycleBar provides more than just exercise; it has a welcoming and community like atmosphere. The desk assistants know everyone, and the energy of the staff is shared generously. Cyclists often hang around after a ride; they become friends with the CycleStars and with each other. Kristin encourages both employees and clients to “Find your Why! – why you are cycling, why you enjoy it, why it makes you better.” CycleBar provides a fun, meaningful experience as well as a workout.

Words: Olivia Hansen
Photos: Jordan Mobley + Aaron Snow

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