The Spring Break Workout You Can Do Anywhere

We all have great intentions. If you are like many people, you set a new year’s resolution or goal to lose weight, hit the gym more, get stronger or run a half marathon. While the intent is pure, these resolutions often fade quickly and give way to job demands, house responsibilities,
relationship development, schoolwork, and parenting, among other duties.

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Contributor: Justin Smith – CPT and FNS
Photography:  Jordan Mobley

We all have great intentions. If you are like many people, you set a new year’s resolution or goal to lose weight, hit the gym more, get stronger or run a half marathon. While the intent is pure, these resolutions often fade quickly and give way to job demands, house responsibilities, relationship development, schoolwork, and parenting, among other duties. According to Forbes, after 30 days only 25% of people are still committed to their resolutions, and a mere 8% of people follow through consistently on their resolutions throughout the entire year.

With the arrival of spring, we often feel a sense of doom if we are among the 92% that don’t fully follow through on
these great intentions from January 1st. This feeling of
trepidation can be exacerbated when we begin seeing our friends’ beach pictures on Facebook/Instagram and they’re looking toned and curvy in their bikini or muscular and ripped in their swim shorts.

Spring is an energizing time of year. Snow, ice and 30-degree
temperatures give way to warm sunny days and brisk evenings.
Daylight hours increase, outdoor events and charity runs become pervasive and vacations with friends and/or family are ubiquitous. The combination of warm weather and vacations can cause us to avoid going to the gym. However, being away from your normal routine at home doesn’t mean you need to forego your workouts. Whether you are preparing to look your best for spring break, want to be outdoors more, or want to continue to workout while on vacation, here is a list of exercises:

spring break workouts


Modified Version:
Knees Down

Advanced Version:

Push-ups with claps

spring break workouts


Modified Version:
Squat Holds against a wall

Advanced Version:
Squat Jumps

Justin Smith


Modified Version:
Alternating Lunges in Place

Advanced Version: Lunge Jumps

Justin Smith OKC Trainer


Modified Version:
Jump in place without a rope

Advanced Version:

Justin Smith


Modified Version:
Plank on Elbows

Advanced Version:
One-Arm Plank

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